GiVING Compassion with Purposeful Engagement with Others
Genuineness Impact Validate ENGAGE Being engaged means: Involved in activity with others.To be interested in others.Committed to others. Questions then, for all of us are “How can we engage?” and “Why does engagement even matter?” The answers are simple on the surface but make a significant and lasting impact on the people with whom we engage. Consider the impact the following experiences have
GiVING Compassion by Validating the Greatness You See in Others
Genuineness Impact VALIDATE E To validate means to prove or confirm something or someone is correct or truthful. Though we may come from different places with different upbringings, varying views, and diverse perspectives, one thing we all have in common is, that we’re all human beings. So, when someone validates our skills, talents, or what they value in us, we’re lifted
GiVING Compassion with Intention and Positive Impact
Genuineness IMPACT V ________ E ________ If we think about what the word impact really means, it’s simply the effect part of the cause and effect equation. To make an impact is to have a strong effect on someone or something. Let’s focus on the people part; the impact people can have on other people. That includes all of you, and
GiVE Compassion with Genuineness
GENUINENESS I __________ V _________ E _________ What does it mean to be genuine? To be genuine means to be true to yourself – who you are, on the inside and out. Genuine people are said to be “real”; as if to say, they’re not fake. Here’s why it’s important to be genuine and true to yourself: The problem with “faking it