Prositions will host, best-selling author and consultant, Taylor Scott at the 2021 International Conference & Exposition for the Association for Talent Development (ATD) in Salt Lake City, UT in August Discover how the best leaders transform jobs into meaningful work by leading with hospitality! "Before anyone becomes motivated to DO anything, they must first FEEL something."Taylor ScottAuthor

A Harvard Business Review article by Scott Barry Kaufman entitled, “Why Inspiration Matters” reveals why inspiration is so inspiring. Kaufman’s article cites research by several scholars to further support his hypothesis that inspiration matters.  In my own research, I took an interest in the work Kaufman cited from psychologists, Todd M. Thrash and Andrew J. Elliott,

According to research by the Gallup organization: Only 25% of employees “strongly agree” that their manager provides meaningful feedback to them or that the feedback they receive helps them do better work. Only 21% of employees “strongly agree” that their performance is managed in a way that motivates them to do outstanding work.  When leaders pause their own