How Great Leaders Use Vision
In this quick video I share what vision is, why it's so special, and how great leaders use it. Want more leadership tips like this? Download my complimentary Lead with Hospitality Field Guide for more actionable ways to be a great leader. Download it here.
According to research by the Gallup organization: Only 25% of employees “strongly agree” that their manager provides meaningful feedback to them or that the feedback they receive helps them do better work. Only 21% of employees “strongly agree” that their performance is managed in a way that motivates them to do outstanding work. When leaders pause their own
Grace and Your Team’s Experience
As leaders, we’re often at a crossroads, with an important choice to make. You can hold a grudge, skip the meeting, become unresponsive, non-communicative, and freeze out the people who have upset you. Or, You can lead with hospitality. You can forgive, be the bigger person, take the high road, and work on mending the relationship. Your grace in
What is Grace? Why is Grace Important for Leaders?
Grace lifts people up and creates an environment that feels safe. Without grace people don't feel important and begin looking for greener pastures. Watch this quick video to learn what grace is and why it matters when it comes to leadership. For more ways to be a graceful leader, read "Lead with Hospitality". Get it
Grace and Generous Explanations
I heard a story in church years ago about a couple who had been married for over fifty years. When asked how in the world they stayed together despite each other’s faults, habits, and hang ups, their response was amazing. It illustrates grace in action, and I’ll share their response here. The husband responded to the
Why should leaders be intentional about making their teams feel important?
Watch this quick video on what this simple change could do for you and your team. Check out my recent blog post for 3 ways to make your team feel important.
Grace, Power, and Money and the Race to Make an Impact
Grace comes in first. Every single time. Power usually benefits, first and foremost, those who have it. Sure, their span of influence may be great, big and wide, but their true, positive impact is usually limited to a select few who they deem worthy of receiving it. And that impact usually comes at a cost, as leaders
Practicing grace, especially when people don’t expect it or, when they may not deserve it, absolutely will make them feel important. It’s extraordinary and special. The word “special” by definition, sparks good feelings and sentiments. These include positive words such as remarkable, exceptional, significant, and not the least of which, important. When we’re graceful with our
A True Story About Importance
A thirty-two-year-old middle manager working for a rental car company had a tough gig. She was in a corporate, regional role supporting multiple locations’ Operations Managers and frontline associates. Her role was to teach, coach, consult, inspire, and motivate front line associates and leaders to maximize sales with every transaction. One day the District Manager leveraged
Thoughts on Champions Champions are special. They’re usually ―the best, the ―winners, and deserving of the title. They’re talented, skillful, and have earned everybody’s respect. They didn’t get there alone. Often, champions had a coach, a mentor, a leader, supporters, advocates, and they had champions encouraging them along the way. Look up the word champion: (champ · pi · on)