Inspiring Leadership in 2022: 5 Ways to Feed Your Soul and Feed Your Mind with Knowledge

I had the opportunity to spend some time this week at UNLV delivering a Lead with Hospitality training to my friend, Professor Laura Bookโ€™s Hospitality classes. Being back in the college environment got me thinking, what is it about college that makes us feel so fulfilled? I realized it provides us an opportunity to feed our souls and feed our minds.ย 

Luckily,  in todayโ€™s world, thereโ€™s no shortage of ways we can continue to feed our souls or feed our minds with knowledge, even outside of college.  Here are a few examples; many of which youโ€™re likely already doing.

  • Read books, blogs, and articles โ€“ If youโ€™re ever feeling low, or uninspired, read something.  Inspiration will jump off the page in the way of a new idea, a touching story, or a compelling proposition for a future you could be the one to help create.
  • Listen to podcasts, audiobooks, and music โ€“ If reading isnโ€™t your thing, no problem.  Weโ€™re in the golden age of podcasts, audiobooks, and of course, we all have the capability to stream music anytime, anywhere, from any artist.  
  • Find a faith-based or spiritual organization โ€“ It doesnโ€™t have to be the same faith as mine nor do you have to join or believe in the same faith as anyone else in your life.  Being a part of a faith-based community gives you hope, inspiration, and joy few other outlets can provide.  The faith part is powerful, and the community of like-minded people gives you love and support.  The entire experience ultimately helps you keep your head and heart in a positive space, so you can help others keep their heads and hearts in the right place.  Thatโ€™s what leaders do.
  • Join a community group โ€“ community organizations in your town, county, or state; or sometimes even at the national level, can be a great way to feed your soul.  The more we give of ourselves, the more we experience something on the inside which inspires us to pour into others, offering them inspiration and encouragement.
  • Share what you learn โ€“ often times the best way to pick yourself up and climb out of a frustrating season is to share your thoughts, knowledge, wisdom, and skills with others.  When we take the focus off of ourselves and pour into other people, weโ€™re the ones who gain more and more inspiration and fulfillment.  We feed our souls when we help others improve.  Thatโ€™s the magic of leading with hospitality.  

The more we give, the more weโ€™re compelled to give.

And the more leaders we can inspire to give, the more weโ€™ll make a profound impact, multiplying the hospitality effect across our organizations, communities, and society as a whole.

โ€œWhat you feed your soul is what you harvest with your actions.โ€

~ Shannon L. Adler, American author

If youโ€™d like additional support in inspiring leadership among your team, reach out to us at