Self-Improvement:ย  How to GiVE Kindness to Yourself, So That You Can GiVE Kindness to Others

To improve is to simply become better.  The idea that we become better today than we were yesterday.

Four ways we can all commit to improving ourselves, so that we can GiVE our best to others:

  • Our attitude
  • Our physical and mental health
  • Our knowledge
  • Our skills

In order to GiVE kindness to others, itโ€™s important to GiVE kindness to ourselves. In order to fully GiVE of ourselves to others, we have to make sure continually fill our tank with positivity, inspiration, healthy habits and energy, knowledge, and mastery of our skills.  

Every night when our heads hit the pillow, there are two questions we can ask ourselves:

  1.   What did I do well?  
  1.   What can I do better tomorrow?

Improving our attitude:

  • Focus on the positives
  • Surround yourself with positive, inspirational people
  • Listen to positive podcasts
  • Watch uplifting, inspirational things on YouTube

โ€œAttitude is equally as important as ability.โ€ – Anonymous

Improving our physical and mental health:

  • Exercise
  • Proper nutrition
  • Join a sports team or club
  • Take walks to clear your mind and become inspired by nature

โ€œBe active.  Be healthy.  Be happy.โ€ – Anonymous

Improving our knowledge:

  • Ask great questions of knowledgeable people 
  • Read books, articles, blogs on the topics we want to learn more about
  • Engage in meaningful conversation with friends and family, gaining a wide range of perspective.

โ€œKnowledge is like a garden; if it is not cultivated, it cannot be harvested.โ€ – Proverb

Improving our skills:


โ€œPractice creates confidence.  Confidence empowers you.โ€ โ€“ Simone Biles, United States Olympian

Your GiVE Culture Challenge for this week:

Choose one of the following categories:  Attitude, Health, Knowledge, or Skills, and make some commitments for how youโ€™ll intentionally improve, GiVING Kindness to yourself so that you can GiVE Kindness to others.

For bonus points and extra kindness to yourself, make at least one commitment for each of the four categories.

Weโ€™d love to hear your stories of how your friends, coworkers, students, or family members have shown you kindness; or how youโ€™ve taken it upon yourself to show kindness to others.

Share it in the Lead with Hospitality Facebook group here.

Have a great day, and never stop GiVING the best of yourself and looking for the best in others.
