This Will Transform the Productivity in Your Team Meetings

Meetings take up a great deal of our time at work.ย  So, itโ€™s important that we make them as efficient as possible.ย  The best leaders, on any level, in any industry know how to create and execute impactful, productive, and efficient meetings.ย 

Itโ€™s apparent whether or not the leader of the team or of the meeting has prepared in advance by how the attendees feel while in the meeting and most importantly what theyโ€™re inspired to do coming out of the meeting.  

If meetings are not set up well, they can:

  • Run too long
  • Lack a clear purpose
  • Become chaotic with multiple conversations happening at once
  • Turn attendees off instead of inspiring action
  • Have little to no โ€œreturn on the time spentโ€
  • Simply be no fun

Here are some tips to creating and executing impactful, productive, and efficient meetings for your team:

  1. Prepare with the why, how, and what for the meeting:  Reason (Why), Rules (How), and Results (What)
  2. Create an agenda, with times, and distribute it at least one day in advance of the meeting.
  3. Invite the right people
  4. Establish roles for the meeting:  Note Taker, Timekeeper, Facilitator, Participants 
  5. Be serious about the topics without taking yourself too seriously.  Make it fun.
  6. Before concluding the meeting, establish who will do what by when
  7. Finish with a quick roundtable, allowing each person to share what they learned

Team meetings help us ensure people not only feel welcome with us, as their leader, but also with each other.  Team meetings help us:

  • Connect individuals with one another
  • Ensure everyone hears the same message at the same time
  • Create alignment among various people and moving parts
  • Transform a group of people into a high-performing team of people