Three Powerful Ways to Encourage and Empower Your Team

According to David Novak’s research published in the Harvard Business Review, 82 percent of employed Americans feel their supervisors don’t recognize their contributions enough. This statistic highlights a persistent issue in corporate America, but it also presents an opportunity for us to transform how we lead and encourage our teams.

The Power of Encouragement

Encouragement is a fundamental driver in making team members feel comfortable and valued. When people feel encouraged, they stand taller, participate more, and strive to deliver their best work. For some, this transformation happens instantly, while for others, it takes time. As a leader, your persistence in encouraging your team will eventually yield remarkable results.

Here are three actionable ways to effectively encourage your team, making them feel more confident and motivated to excel.

1 – Recognition

Recognizing your team members is crucial. Whether it’s public acknowledgment, private praise, or a simple text message, showing appreciation for their efforts makes a significant impact. Recognize their contributions, big and small, and let them know how much you value their work.

– Recognize effort: Acknowledge the hard work and dedication your team puts into their tasks.

Recognize uniqueness: Celebrate the unique skills and perspectives each team member brings.

Recognize special talents: Highlight and appreciate the specific talents that make your team members stand out.

2 – Reminders

Remind your team of their past successes and the challenges they’ve overcome. Recalling these achievements reinforces their confidence and encourages them to reach their full potential today and in the future.

– Remind them of their strengths: Reinforce the qualities that make them exceptional.

– Remind them of their accomplishments: Celebrate their past victories to motivate them for future challenges.

– Remind them of their potential: Renew their passion by reminding them of what they are capable of achieving.

3 – Assistance

Offer your help and support, whether it’s for a few minutes or an extended period. Being present and assisting your team in their tasks demonstrates your commitment to their success and fosters a strong emotional connection.

– Help them understand their role: Clarify how their work contributes to the bigger picture.

– Help them execute their tasks: Work alongside them to show your support and guidance.

– Help them embrace discomfort: Encourage them to step out of their comfort zones, as this is where growth and excellence happen.

By integrating these practices into your leadership approach, you can create a positive and empowering environment for your team. Encouragement not only boosts morale but also drives exceptional performance. As the saying goes, “Be an encourager. The world has enough critics already.” Embrace this mindset and watch your team thrive.

Unleash the power of kindness and purpose in your leadership. Enroll your team in our “Purposeful Engagement for Leaders” learning experience and learn to create a team-oriented culture that thrives on belonging and recognition.  Lead with heart and purpose – click here to learn more! 

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