GIVE Compassion by being Inclusive

Being inclusive is to be welcoming and inviting to everyone, regardless of any differences we may see in others on the surface.

Being inclusive means, we accept others for who they are, as opposed to who we think they should or could be.  

Acceptance is so powerful, as we continue to grow personally and professionally.

Acceptance creates a sense of belonging for everyone around us.  

Here are three ways we can be inclusive, engaging everyone around us, despite our differences on the surface:

1 – Greet and welcome people with authenticity – Greeting people with an authentic and welcoming gesture by simply saying hello and asking how they’re doing; and caring about the response makes everyone feel included.

2 – Be a great listener.  God gave us two ears and one mouth for a reason.  Listening is the ultimate sign of respect, not to mention a great way to show patience to others and invite them into your world as someone they can lean on when they may need it.  

3 – Include the excluded. – If you see or feel someone or even entire groups of people being excluded, invite them to join you and your group of friends.  They may be shy, but you may find out just how much you have in common with some people who are different from you.

We’d love to hear your stories of how your friends, coworkers, students, or family members have helped you experience moments of peace or peacefulness; or how you’ve taken it up on yourself to GIVE Compassion to others. Share your stories on your favorite social media platform and use the hashtag #GiveHospitalityBook so we can see your post.

Have a great day, and never stop living, working, and loving from a place of GENEROSITY.

PS – Pre-Order Give Hospitality now to get it on July 8th! Preorder here!

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