Engaged Leaders = Engaged Teams

When you think of the jobs in which you felt significant, what made you feel that way?  

You had purpose and your leaders were likely engaged.  

Only 66% of people feel a sense of purpose from their organization, according to O.C. Tannerโ€™s most recent Global Culture Report.

Sadly, according to Gallupโ€™s most recent State of the American Workforce report, 53% of employees are โ€œnot engagedโ€.

They may be generally satisfied, but are not cognitively or emotionally connected to their work or workplace. This means people simply show up, do the absolute minimum required, and quickly leave the company when and if a slightly better opportunity comes along.  

Our opportunity is to be the leaders who lead with hospitality, changing this narrative by being more engaged, helping people find their purpose, and helping people achieve fulfillment in their work. 

Here are some ways we can simply stay engaged, slowly but surely changing the way people feel about coming to work:

  • Be Present and Interested
    • Focus on your areas of responsibility
    • Focus on your teamโ€™s progress instead of your own
    • Focus on your overarching vision and mission
  • Be Available, Open, and Honest
    • Be available for others
    • Find ways to offer up extra time โ€“ before and after your scheduled shift โ€“ for your team
  • Be Active
    • Actively observe
    • Actively listen โ€“ to employees, partners, leaders, and customers
    • Take personal accountability and take action โ€“ helping your team

โ€œWhat you believe about employees comes out in how you treat them.  And how you treat them ultimately determines how effectively you engage them.โ€
โ€” Adele du Rand, South African management consultant, and leader