FRED Friday…Meet Carlos, the Disneyland Fred

FRED Fridayโ€ฆMeet Carlos, the Disneyland Fred
Carlos…loving life
This past weekend I enjoyed a quick, 36-hour mini retreat to Southern California to visit one of my best friends, Sonny Ritacca, and to escape the Las Vegas summer heat.
My goals were to see the ocean and Mickey Mouseโ€ฆin that order.  Mission Accomplished.  Sonny and I had a great couple of days, enjoying each otherโ€™s company, the California weather, and of course some long overdue Disney MAGIC.
The idea was to experience Americana at its finestโ€ฆMain Street U.S.A., at Disneyland, an American institutionโ€ฆon the Fourth of July.  Short of being on the mall in the District of Columbia or in New York Cityโ€ฆit doesnโ€™t get any more American than that.
Plusโ€ฆSonny and I, having met exactly ten years ago at the Walt Disney World ยฎ Resort while on summer internships, have an absolute passion for the Walt Disney Company to this day.  We love it.  We love the brand, the theme parks, the resorts, the stories, the memories, and we especially love good old fashioned Disney MAGIC.
A FRED Sightingโ€ฆ
As we strolled through Disneyโ€™s California Adventure, we passed by a Disney/Pixar CARS area in which Guests could have their picture taken next to Lightning McQueen.  I was pointing Lightning McQueen out to Sonny when we heard a CastMember by the name of Carlos say, โ€œhi there fellasโ€ฆdid you want to get your picture taken with Lightning McQueen?โ€ 
Sonny and I smiled, looked at one anotherโ€ฆwe both sensed Fred-like potential from Carlos.  Our intuition was correct.  Carlos, a merchandise Cast Member working a Cars merchandise stand directly across from the Lightning McQueen photo op area, went OneMoreStep after he initially opened up the conversationโ€ฆhe engaged furtherโ€ฆ
โ€œThis is Disneylandโ€ฆeverybody can be a kid hereโ€ฆforget about work for a whileโ€ฆAre you guys having fun?  Is this your first time here?  Where are you from?โ€  Carlos further engaged with a charismatic, interested tone from the start.
I told him that we were big Disney fans and that both Sonny and I had been to the Disneyland ยฎ Resort as well as the Walt Disney World ยฎ Resort quite a bit.
Carlos then went OneMoreStepโ€ฆhe engaged even further, โ€œWell, thenโ€ฆdo you know the secret to spicing up a couple of our most popular attractions?  Let me give you a couple tipsโ€ฆโ€ He spoke with such passion and conviction in his voice, again genuinely interested in making magic for us.  He continued:
 โ€œโ€ฆOkay, so when you go on Hollywood Tower of Terror, make sure you sit in the middle row โ€“ row #5 I believe it is โ€“ sit in the very middle seats in that row, and as you go up in the elevator car, just before it drops, pick up your feet and raise your knees up towards your chestโ€ฆyouโ€™ll fly right out of the seat as it drops, and itโ€™s just an unbelievable rideโ€ฆit really makes it so much better.  Try it.  Youโ€™ll love itโ€ฆโ€
Sonny and I found ourselves wrapped up in this conversation nowโ€ฆtotally giving this some thought.  This seemed like it could be way fun and quite the rush.
Carlos wasnโ€™t finished!  He went OneMoreStepโ€ฆ
โ€œSo thatโ€™s oneโ€ฆya gotta do that on Hollywood Tower of Terror.  Nowโ€ฆwhen you go back over to Disneyland, go on Big Thunder Mountain Railroadโ€ฆon the second hill, thereโ€™s a spiral-like turn on the way downโ€ฆoff to the side youโ€™ll see a goat.  Fix your eyes on that goat the entire way down the hill as you spiral around, and make sure you look at the goat the entire timeโ€ฆyouโ€™ll experience a very cool g-force effect.  Youโ€™ll love this one too.  That way, since youโ€™ve already done these attractions a million times, if you do these tricks on them today, youโ€™ll have a new experience.  I promise, youโ€™ll love it.โ€
Sonny and I thanked Carlos and gave him a quick high-five as he wished us a โ€œmagical dayโ€, which of course I loved.  As we walked away, Sonny and I were all smiles.  We not only had a couple cool stories we could tell others about these two attractions, but we were both taken aback by the fact that Carlos had just taken a completely ordinary moment, in frankly a rather ordinary area of the park (relatively speaking), and turned it into one of the coolest experiences of the day.
We went on multi-million dollar attractions and roller coasters that day.  We walked down the storied Main Street U.S.A. on the Fourth of July at the original, the one and only Disneyland.  We saw one of the best live theatrical performances Iโ€™ve ever seen at a Disney theme park, Disneyโ€™s Aladdin โ€“ A Musical Spectacular (really a fantastic showโ€ฆvery impressive).
However, we couldnโ€™t stop talking about Carlos and how he created a moment, an experience, and truly made a positive difference out of thin airโ€ฆand it didnโ€™t cost a penny.  We didn’t even go back and actually ride the attractions with the tricks Carlos taught us.  The five minutes with Carlos was cool enough in itself.  It was the thought and the passion with which he delivered his suggestions that made the real impact.  Thatโ€™s what Fredโ€™s do.  They create value by simply choosing to do so, with what they have.  They create art and flat out make magic.
Carlos proved that no matter what our role, regardless of how โ€˜significantโ€™ it appears to be, anyone and everyone can make a difference.  Itโ€™s up to us what kind of difference we make and how we choose to perform our roles.  Carlos could have very easily mailed it inโ€ฆa holidayโ€ฆ88 degrees in the shadeโ€ฆit was a boring time in the mid-morning, an hour after the park had openedโ€ฆa โ€œboring jobโ€ฆselling boring Cars merchandiseโ€.  Instead, he chose to make a positive difference just like Fred. 
Page 9 of The Fred Factorโ€ฆ
Mark Sanborn talks about Fred Principle #1 โ€“ Everyone Makes a Difference:
โ€œโ€ฆWhere others might have seen delivering mail as monotonous drudgery, Fred saw an opportunity to make the lives of his customers more enjoyable.  He chose to make a positive difference.โ€
It’s amazing how every single time the difference between the ordinary and extraordinary is just Oneโ€ฆMOREโ€ฆStep; just that little something extra.
When you think your role isnโ€™t significant enough, you donโ€™t get paid enough, and what you do doesnโ€™t matterโ€ฆGo OneMoreStepโ€ฆthink about Carlos and the value he created just by being himself.
If he can do it, so can weโ€ฆ
Thanks Carlos, for making magic.  Your approach to your role in the show is just the way Walt would have wanted it.  Keep being you.
See ya real soonโ€ฆ
(Wondering what I mean by a FRED?  My favorite book, The Fred Factor, written by Mark Sanborn, tells the story of how an ordinary man, in an ordinary job as a postman goes OneMoreStep after OneMoreStep to make magic for his customers.  See the explanation of what I mean when I say “a FRED” on the original FRED Friday post  
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  • July 8, 2011

    AWESOME! Great Fred story. I can't wait to seek him out on my next trip to the Mothership! Thanks T!

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