How to Lead Your Team to Create the Results You Need

The final piece to our three-part puzzle of leading with hospitality is possessing the ability to make people feel important. 

The first two vital pieces to leading with hospitality are making people feel welcome and comfortable. These two components relate to your ability to maximize productivity, enhance your teamโ€™s culture, and ultimately drive desired business results. 

Without those first two components, the final piece is hard to layer into the mix. Why?  Few individuals, let alone teams, are likely to be compelled or to have the confidence to step up, sacrifice, put in the extra effort, or most importantly, conjure up the stick-to-it-iveness essential to battle through adversity unless they feel welcome and comfortable. 

Remember, weโ€™re all human, and understanding human nature and behavior is the foundation of becoming a great leader.

If youโ€™re successful at making people on your teams feel welcome and comfortable, making them feel important propels your team into the next hemisphere of productivity, fulfillment, growth, success, and results. 

As people begin genuinely feeling their value and importance to you and the organization, youโ€™ll see their confidence level increase. As they feel more confident, their thoughts will turn into purposeful, intentional actions. 

Theyโ€™ll be loyal to the organization because they become emotionally invested and connected to the people, the mission, and your purpose. When talented people become committed, confident, and purposeful, the sky is the limit for their success, happiness, and contentment.  

Here are three ways to make sure people on your team feel important:

Ask for perspective and insight.  You hired your employees for a reason. Theyโ€™re smart and capable, with ideas of their own. Youโ€™ll make them feel important when you invite them to share their own perspectives and insights, not to mention youโ€™ll learn some new things in the process. Remember all of us are smarter than any one of us. It doesnโ€™t matter where ideas come from, it just matters that theyโ€™re great ideas. 

Trust people before you know you can. There will never be a perfect time or a perfect moment to hand over the reins or responsibility officially. Most people will rise to the challenge when someone gives them the opportunity. The challenge for you, as a leader, isnโ€™t whether theyโ€™re ready or not. Instead, are you ready to provide an opportunity? 

Delegate and separate. Once you give them the expectations, let it go, like Elsa in Disneyโ€™s Frozen. When they know theyโ€™ve been left alone to complete their tasks, duties, or mission, youโ€™ll have elevated their effort, conscientiousness, and performance.

Have a great week!