Practicing grace, especially when people don’t expect it or, when they may not deserve it, absolutely will make them feel important. It’s extraordinary and special. The word “special” by definition, sparks good feelings and sentiments. These include positive words such as remarkable, exceptional, significant, and not the least of which, important.
When we’re graceful with our actions, our words, our gestures, and our demeanor, the entire team feels lifted up.
Moreover, in the absence of grace and a graceful demeanor, people feel their hard work and all their efforts are cheapened. They’ll begin looking for greener, more graceful pastures.
For example, if a leader uses foul language, is abrasive, and at times exhibits borderline verbal abuse when inevitable adversity creeps up, others begin to follow suit. They begin to think that type of behavior or demeanor is acceptable. In an abusive and toxic work environment, it’s nearly impossible for people to feel important about themselves or their situation. In those moments, it becomes even harder to drum up the energy, enthusiasm, and passion essential to perform at high levels.
Leaders who lead with hospitality don’t expect perfection, they inspire the levels of activity, productivity, commitment, and passion which lead to progress.
Here are three ways to activate amazing grace and gracefulness to create an amazing workplace culture:
- Extend Grace. Generous explanations can save you from an otherwise downward spiral of frustration, worry, and perhaps worst of all, regret. When we come up with the most generous explanation for why others fall short, we guard against momentary flare ups of pride which can ruin relationships and teams. In doing so, we allow the person on the receiving end to feel about as important as they’ve ever felt. The grace we’ve extended is both rare and moving. Trust will continue to take hold when grace takes a front seat. Those people on your team will be moved to move in the direction you want to take them.
- Ask for and Receive Grace. Remember, great leaders aren’t great as a result of their leadership-ness. They’re great because of their humanness. No one is perfect, not even great leaders. When you need more time, a second or third chance, and especially when you make a mistake, simply ask for a little extra grace. When you’re humble enough to ask your team, your own leaders, or your partners for grace, it doesn’t make you less of a leader. It makes you more human. You’ll make others feel important when they realize you’re every bit as human as they are; and you trust them enough to let them in on your mistakes as much as your successes.
- Be Graceful. Be graceful. Graceful words, graceful actions, and graceful hearts create environments where people feel safe, both personally and professionally. When people feel safe, a sense of belonging replaces the awkward alternative. When people feel they belong, they feel important. When people feel important, they perform at their absolute best. When people perform at their absolute best, we’ve done our jobs as leaders. At least for today. Tomorrow, we start again.
“The greatest way to witness is by walking that straight and narrow and also realizing that you’re going to mess up. That’s what grace is for. We’re going to fall, but we’ve got to get back up.”
~ Tim Tebow
Have a great day.
PS – I’m excited to share that the “Lead with Hospitality” eBook has been chosen to be included in this year’s Amazon Prime Day discounts! For today only, the US eBook is on sale for $5.99. Get it here.