Three Psychological Human Needs Your Team Needs to Help Them Lean In, Step Up, and Deliver Their Best Work

Psychologists, Edward Deci and Richard Ryan first introduced their Self-Determination Theory in 1985.  It’s since been tested, tried, and proven over the years.  The theory suggests that people become self-determined and motivated when three universal psychological needs are met:  

  • The need for competence, or mastery of their work
  • The need for autonomy, or choice in how the work gets accomplished 
  • The need for connection, or relatedness, and a sense of belonging with whom they work

Great leaders and motivators understand this about the people and teams they lead.  The mark of a great leader is less about what they, themselves, are able to do, and instead all about what they are able to motivate and inspire other people to do.  

Do you want your leaders to know how to coach with grace while creating a culture of grit, determination, and intentionality among their teams? Click here to learn how my learning experience can help.

Think about the best leaders you’ve ever had.  What made them great?  Was it their words, their style, their actions, or was it all of the above?  

Chances are, it was less about what they did to actually motivate you…

and more about the environment they created.

Remember These Three C’s, When Creating the Right Environment for Your Team:

Competence – Control – Community

As leaders, if and when we create feelings of competence, control (autonomy), and community, along with a vivid vision of where your team is headed, they become more self-motivated than ever. 

It’s up to us to create these environments. Happy creating!

Do you want your leaders to know how to coach with grace while creating a culture of grit, determination, and intentionality among their teams? Click here to learn how my learning experience can help.