Who Wins When You Choose Kindness?
When we treat people with kindness, simply being nice to each other, everyone wins.
Consider what kindness really means to you.
Kindness means being friendly, generous, and considerate of other people.
Kindness is simply giving other people our time, a little bit of our talent, or “that thing” we do better than others, or our heart. Kindness comes from a place of care. When we’re kind to people, it shows them how much we care about them.
Here are four ways being kind to others helps you win.
1- Relationships: When we’re nice to one another, we build strong friendships and relationships. With stronger relationships, all of us experience more joy and happiness. Who doesn’t want to be happy?!
2 – Healthy Mind, Body, and Spirit: When we’re happier, we experience less stress, frustration, and disappointment, and that keeps our brains healthy and our bodies healthy. It also keeps our positive spirit within us alive, and that allows us to spread that positivity to our friends and family.
3 – Brain Power: Since we’re healthier and much more positive when we experience genuine kindness, our brains function at a higher level. That means we actually do better on our schoolwork when we experience genuine kindness.
4 – Kindness is Contagious: Finally, kindness is proven to be contagious, which means that it spreads! When we’re kind to others, they become inspired to be kind to people in their lives.
And it all starts with us!
We can be the ones who start everyone off on a positive, happy note for their day by being kind.
Have a great day, and never stop GiVING the best of yourself and looking for the best in others.