Elevate Your Team by Making Them Feel Important
In the journey of leadership, making people feel important stands as the final piece of the three-part puzzle of leading with hospitality.
The first two pieces—making people feel welcome and comfortable—are crucial. They pave the way for maximizing productivity, enhancing team culture, and driving business results. Without these foundational components, the final piece is challenging to implement. Few individuals or teams can muster the confidence to step up, sacrifice, or persevere through adversity unless they feel genuinely welcomed and comfortable.
Understanding human nature and behavior is fundamental to becoming a great leader. When you successfully create an environment where your team feels welcome and comfortable, making them feel important propels your team to the next level of productivity, fulfillment, growth, and success.
As individuals begin to feel their value and importance to you and the organization, their confidence soars. This increased confidence translates into purposeful, intentional action. They become emotionally invested in the organization, its mission, and your purpose, fostering loyalty and commitment.
Here are three effective ways to ensure people on your team feel important:
1 – Seek Perspective and Insight
Invite your team members to share their perspectives and insights. Demonstrating that you value their ideas makes them feel important and valued. Remember, great ideas can come from anyone.
2 – Trust People Before You Know You Can
Empower your team by trusting them with responsibility. Most people rise to the challenge when given the opportunity. Your role as a leader is not to determine if they are ready, but to provide the opportunity for them to prove themselves.
3 – Delegate and Empower
Once you delegate tasks, empower your team members to take ownership. Trusting them to complete their responsibilities independently boosts their effort, conscientiousness, and performance.
Mary Kay Ash once said, “Pretend every single person you meet has a sign around his or her neck that says, ‘Make me feel important.’ Not only will you succeed in sales, you will succeed in life.”
As a leader, your ability to make your team feel important is pivotal. When individuals feel valued and significant, they become capable of achieving remarkable success and contributing significantly to the organization’s goals.

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