The Power of Kindness: Three Ways to Make a Difference

The Association of Professional Executives of the Public Service of Canada (APEX) uncovered some compelling insights in their recent study:

Teams that operate in a respectful environment:

– Have 26% more energy.

– Are 30% more likely to feel motivated and eager to learn new skills and embrace new ideas.

– Report 36% more job satisfaction and are 44% more committed to their organizations.

Leading with genuine kindness motivates people to move with purpose and passion. When leaders are authentic and true, rather than putting on a façade to serve their own interests, their teams feel more at ease and perform better in their roles.

This is the essence of leadership: inspiring and influencing people to give their best towards a shared goal. Leadership is akin to sales, and vice versa. Both require earning the trust of others. Trust is best earned by being honest, open, and genuinely kind. A leader who embodies these qualities is far more likely to be trusted and followed than someone who just “fakes it until they make it.”

Kindness is a choice. When leaders choose to be kind, their teams are naturally inclined to follow. They become invested. A kind leader can ignite action, foster meaningful work, and instill passion within their team.

Genuine kindness has the power to inspire, support, encourage, teach, and improve the lives of others. It’s often unexpected and thus even more impactful. Receiving kindness feels like a gift, and that alone is a reason to give it.

Three Ways to GIVE Kindness

The lowercase “i” in GiVE symbolizes putting others before ourselves, the true essence of kindness.

1 – GIVE your time

Dedicate time to each team member. Schedule it and make it purposeful. This gesture will be noticed and appreciated. Spend thirty minutes daily focusing on one team member. Explore how you can assist them, either personally or professionally. Rotate through your entire team, then start over. This ongoing commitment will strengthen relationships and foster a supportive environment.

2 – GIVE your talent

identify your greatest strength or talent—the one thing people say you excel at—and generously share it with others. This can empower and uplift your team, making everyone better.

3 – GIVE your heart

Show that you care. When your team knows you genuinely care about them, they will be inspired to perform at their best and contribute more of their own talents. Kindness is contagious and worth spreading at work, home, and in our communities.

As Dr. Seuss said, “To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world.” Embrace the power of kindness and see the profound impact it can have on those around you.

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