3 Ways to be an Empathetic Leader

Empathy, the ability to understand how other people feel, is the bridge over the invisible “river of trust” flowing between any leader and those they lead. It’s a special leadership trait rarely practiced enough. However, when leaders successfully deploy empathy, their teams feel welcome and become moved to move.

Empathy is about understanding, not necessarily agreeing. Volumes of research have been written and published about the productive nature of agreeing to disagree. Often, the dialogue itself is healthy, because on the other side, both people understand even if they see things differently.

While you may have set out in one direction, with a certain tone, cadence, or dialogue, it’s okay to adapt and change. You can change the subject, based upon what resonates best with your team. Once you learn and understand what motivates and drives people, modify and adapt your leadership game plan accordingly.

You’ll build trust and credibility like never before. Your people will feel welcome. You’ll be on your way to serving your teams and delivering for your senior leaders; changing the culture, transforming groups of people into high-performing teams, and delivering results.

Watch this video for 3 ways to be an empathetic leader.

Read my latest blog post about being an empathetic leader here.

Stay connected to your team despite physical and social distance. You’ll inspire them to work harder with more purpose while navigating change. Get the Commitment to Connection: Complimentary Action Plan here.